Key Features
Our most popular and most premium surf boot, featuring revolutionary TDC Thermo Dry Celliant, our warmest inner lining ever. TDC features mineral-enhanced smart fibers that recycle body heat into infrared energy for greater warmth, increased endurance, faster recovery, and enhanced overall performance. The Drylock is loaded with more exclusive features including ergonomically angled Velcro straps and seamless Drylock ankle seals for an ultra-premium, comfortable fit. The thin yet durable sole design allows for a better, true-to-the-board feel, and the sole is solid underneath the split toe to prevent annoying leash hangups. The Drylock boot also features 100% UltraStretch neoprene and a glued & blindstitched seam construction sealed with inner Thermo Dry Seam tape and outer Taitex to keep warmth in. Even the back ankle pull loop is Pressure Bonded to the outer boot, which keeps even more water out since no stitching ever penetrates through the boot neoprene.
TDC Thermo Dry Celliant Low Pile
Fast drying, lightweight, and naturally hydrophobic, TDC is our warmest wetsuit lining ever, and an Xcel exclusive found nowhere else in the market. TDC's clinically proven Smart Fiber Technology converts your body heat into infrared energy for maximum warmth, increased endurance, faster recovery, and enhanced overall athletic performance. The infared printed low pile TDC delivers the ideal balance of warmth and flexibility.
UltraStretch Neoprene
Comfortable, lightweight neoprene with softer foam and a tighter weave textile for less water absorption, better durability, and maximum stretch.
Drylock Ankle Seals
An Xcel exclusive, this seamless, engineered "donut seal" construction keeps more water out, minimizes flushing, and forms a snug, comfortable seal and a better fit with your wetsuit.
Durable, flexible outer composite used to seal a glued & blindstitched seam to maximize durability and keep more water out.
Glued & Blindstitched Seams
A fully sealed, maximum stretch seam construction. Neoprene panels are glued and pressed together, then blindstitched (needle doesn't fully penetrate neoprene, keeping more water out).
Split Toe, Solid Sole
Flexible, high performance boot design for enhanced range of motion. The solid sole underneath the split toe means no more of those annoying leash hangups.
Pressure Bonded Back Ankle Pull Loop
The most durable construction for keeping the pull loop attached to the boot. Pressure bonding also means a more watertight construction, since it requires no stitching that would otherwise penetrate the neoprene and let water in.
Marque: | XCEL |
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